On Tuesday, the “Com-Ed 4” were found guilty on all counts. In response to the verdicts, State Senator Craig Wilcox (R-McHenry) issued the following statement:
“I hope today’s verdicts serve as a catalyst for change in how legislation is passed in Springfield. By finding all four defendants guilty on all charges, jurors sent a strong message to every lawmaker and lobbyist in Illinois that corruption will not be tolerated.
“Hopefully the days of back-room-dealing and pay-to-play politics will soon be behind us and majority party lawmakers will finally enact meaningful ethics reforms that put people first, ahead of special interest groups and powerful lobbyists. With these verdicts, the criminal enterprise that has long existed in Illinois politics is put on notice. I am hopeful this is the beginning of real change in our state, and that in the future the Legislature can regain the public’s trust by acting honorably.”