State Senator Craig Wilcox (R-McHenry) will be hosting a series of Conversations Untapped events throughout the 32nd District this September and October. The first event is scheduled for Thursday, September 14 in Cary.
“These events are very informal, and I want to provide the residents of the 32nd Senate District the chance to come out and meet with their Senator and talk casually about the issues that matter to them,” said Wilcox. “Cary is new to my district, so I chose that community as the first stop on the tour. I look forward to the conversations and to meeting newer constituents.”
Thursday, September 14
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Cary Ale House & Brewing Company
208 W Main St, Cary
“My hope is that constituents who might not otherwise engage with their elected voice in Springfield will find an event close to where they live and stop by to say hello,” added Wilcox. “And if there is an issue they’d like to discuss or bring to my attention, it provides the perfect opportunity for a conversation.”
Additional Conversations Untapped events are scheduled for:
Tuesday, October 10
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Timothy O’Toole’s Pub
10 W Grand Ave, Lake Villa
Thursday, October 12
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Rivalry Alehouse
945 Main St, Antioch
For additional information about these events, please call the Wilcox legislative office at (815) 455-6330, or email Lori at lyates@sgop.ilga.gov.