Governor JB Pritzker gave his budget address on Wednesday before a joint session of the General Assembly. Following the speech, State Senator Craig Wilcox (R-McHenry) issued the following statement:

“This sounded more like a Fleecing of the Taxpayers speech than a budget address. Rather than responding in a responsible way to a revenue deficit predicted by his own Office of Budget and Management, Governor Pritzker plowed full steam ahead with new spending proposals by asking for $1.1 billion in new taxes.
“The Governor continues to prioritize noncitizens over Illinois families that have lived in this state for decades and generations. It is no coincidence that his request for $1.1 billion in new taxes comes at the same time he anticipates spending roughly that same amount next year on noncitizen programs. Every dollar spent on noncitizens is one less dollar that is spent on vulnerable Illinoisans like veterans, the intellectually and developmentally disabled, and others who truly rely on their state government for assistance.
“The Governor’s priorities are completely out of step with struggling Illinois families, with one exception. After putting a brick on Republican efforts to eliminate the sales tax on groceries for years, the Governor recommended it in his speech as his own initiative.”