Director of Veterans Affairs Testifies before Legislative Audit Commission

I sit on Illinois’ Legislative Audit Commission, and last week we studied and discussed the audit that took place following the 2020 COVID-19 outbreak that led to the tragic deaths of 36 veterans residing at the LaSalle Veterans Home.
As you may recall, in the Fall of 2020 the deadly COVID-19 outbreak at the LaSalle Veterans Home included almost 200 cases, which equated to 85% of the residents and 35% of the staff. Three dozen residents died during the outbreak. Legislative hearings scrutinizing Governor Pritzker’s administration’s response were held, and widespread issues with noncompliance of procedures and required interventions were discovered.
Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs (IDVA) Director Terry Prince, who was hired in 2021 following the firing of the Director at the time of the outbreak, appeared before the Commission and told us that much better policies are in place following the 2020 outbreak, but that maintaining proper staffing levels remain a challenge.
During the hearing last week, we studied the official audit report and learned that many updated procedures are now in place to protect residents and staff. There have also been several staff changes at the IDVA and at the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH). These changes included the hiring of Prince in April of 2021 and the creation of two new positions- a senior home administrator and an agencywide infection specialist. IDVA is considering an additional hiring of a medical director.
Wilcox Recommended Candidate Chosen for Executive Appointment

One of the responsibilities of the Senate is to approve or deny executive appointments of individuals who serve on a variety of paid and unpaid boards in Illinois. Last week I brought forward a candidate for consideration as an appointee to the Illinois Racing Board.
Alyssa Anna Murphy of Trout Valley is a constituent in the 32nd District. She graduated from Cary Grove High School and Augustana College and previously worked at the Arlington Park Racecourse in Arlington Heights as a communications and marketing specialist. Her appointment is expected to be approved by the full Senate and I believe she will be a valuable addition to the Illinois Racing Board.
One of the responsibilities of the Senate is to approve or deny executive appointments of individuals who serve on a variety of paid and unpaid boards in Illinois. Last week I brought forward a candidate for consideration as an appointee to the Illinois Racing Board.
Alyssa Anna Murphy of Trout Valley is a constituent in the 32nd District. She graduated from Cary Grove High School and Augustana College and previously worked at the Arlington Park Racecourse in Arlington Heights as a communications and marketing specialist. Her appointment is expected to be approved by the full Senate and I believe she will be a valuable addition to the Illinois Racing Board.
New Legislation Aimed at Helping Struggling Families
New financial help could soon be available for parents thanks to legislation I am co-sponsoring that is designed to provide financial relief to families with children enrolled in daycare and pre-K programs.
Senate Bill 2717 would allow parents or guardians of one or more children between the ages of three and five who attend an eligible preschool program in Illinois to qualify for a tax credit equal to 100% of the expenses they incur to send their children to that preschool program, up to $1,500 per child.
Senate Bill 3104 would give parents a state tax credit for each qualifying child on their income taxes to help provide financial relief for those paying for childcare services. Under the proposal, qualifying families would receive a state tax credit equal to 25% of the current federal childcare tax credit for each child.
As the spring legislative session continues, Senate Republicans hope to see bipartisan progress on these critical issues to improve the lives of people of all ages and in all stages of life who call Illinois home.
Illinois Spring Trout Fishing Season Starts April 6
Anglers in Illinois who are looking to land a big trout won’t have to wait much longer. April 6 will mark the start of the 2024 Illinois spring trout fishing season. During the season, Illinoisans will be able to keep a maximum of five trout per day. For those who don’t care about hanging on to their trout, the catch-and-release season will begin on March 23.
The Illinois Catchable Trout Program is funded by the sale of inland trout stamps. Each year through the program the Illinois Department of Natural Resources puts 80,000-rainbow trout into bodies of water in the spring and fall. Click here to view the IL Department of Natural Resources’ most recent report on fish stocking listed by waterbody. You will want to view the Northeast and Northwest tabs to view stocked waterbodies in this region.
Those interested in fishing for trout in Illinois waters will need to have an inland trout stamp and a fishing license. Exceptions to this rule are in place for Illinois residents on leave from active duty in the military, individuals who are blind, persons with disabilities, and those younger than 16. Trout stamps and fishing licenses can be purchased at .
Legislators Critical of Two Correctional Facilities Closing
The Governor recently announced his plan to close and rebuild Stateville Correctional Center in Will County and Logan Correctional Center in Lincoln, leaving many unanswered questions about what will happen to the current employees, inmates, and the local communities.
In February, the Governor proposed $900 million for maintenance and modernization of Department of Corrections facilities within his proposed FY25 budget. In the joint prison closure announcement from the Governor and the Illinois Department of Corrections, it became clear that the money was meant to be used to demolish and rebuild Logan and Stateville.
Currently, the Governor is planning to rebuild Stateville at the same location as the current facility, but his administration has released no details or commitments on the location of the new Logan Correctional Center. This lack of commitment drew scrutiny from locally elected officials and several legislators from the region.
They expressed concerns about what would happen to the more than 500 direct jobs, hundreds more indirect jobs, and economic benefits that Logan Correctional Center provides. While they recognized a need for repairs, they rightly pointed out that the facilities’ current state of disrepair exists because of administrative neglect and misplaced priorities.
Meanwhile, the local union representing the two facilities came out against the plan citing fears that even temporary closures of the centers would “disrupt and potentially destabilize the prison system, while bringing upheaval to the lives of affected employees and individuals in custody.”
In accordance with the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability process, construction of new facilities will not commence until all requirements of the State Facilities Closure Act are met. More information about that process, including a timeline, can be found here.
EPA Funding Opportunities for Watershed Management Projects to Address Pollution
When rain or snowmelt carries human-made pollutants into bodies of water, it leads to what is called nonpoint source pollution, which is a major pollution concern nationwide. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) is working to reduce this type of pollution through two new grant programs. The programs have a total of $4.75 million in funding available for watershed-based planning and implementation project proposals.
According to the IEPA, projects need to be aimed at reducing, preventing, and eliminating Illinois surface and groundwater quality impairments. IEPA is targeting the grants at local governments, with the goal of protecting water quality in their municipalities. This program will accept applications from March 13 to May 1. Applications can be found at