Senator Craig Wilcox’ Capitol Report

Illinoisans Choose to Keep Current State Flag Design

The votes have been tallied and Illinoisans have spoken against a proposal to redesign the Illinois State Flag.

Public voting results announced March 6 show that of the 385,000 votes received, the current Illinois State Flag design received more votes than the next five top designs combined.

Established by the passage of Senate Bill 1818 in August 2023, the Illinois Flag Commission selected 10 top finalists from nearly 5,000 submissions for the State Flag redesign contest. These designs were available for five weeks of public viewing and voting on the Secretary of State’s website.

Several of my colleagues and I have argued that the effort was a misuse of time and taxpayer dollars at a time when Illinois residents are looking for solutions to more pressing issues, such as financial instability, struggling schools, high taxes, and the need to attract businesses.

The original flag was designed by Lucy Derwent, a Rockford-native, in 1915. That design has only changed slightly in the subsequent years, such as adding the word “Illinois” below the seal in 1969.

COGFA Data Point to $1.2 Billion Hole in Gov. Pritzker’s Budget Plan

The bipartisan and bicameral Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability (COGFA) includes equal representation by Republicans and Democrats. The panel has a long-standing reputation as being fair and balanced.

A recent revenue projection completed by COGFA indicates that Governor Pritzker’s revenue projections for Fiscal Year 2026 are likely off by a wide margin, revealing a $1.2 billion shortfall in the Governor’s proposed budget.

The Governor’s budget includes $490 million in new revenues that have yet to be vetted or approved by the Illinois General Assembly, even though Illinois law requires him to present a recommended budget that is balanced using existing revenue. Even if these new revenues are enacted, COGFA estimates a $740 million shortfall compared to the projections from the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget.

Not only does the Governor’s proposed budget face a potential $1.2 billion hole, but his plan, if enacted, would set a new sending record for the state, marking an increase of 37% since he took office.

Making things worse, the current fiscal year is already expected to end $525 million short, further proving that the Governor’s numbers are not aligned with the state’s financial realities.

This latest forecast underscores the need for a more responsible and realistic budget. Illinois deserves a fiscal plan that addresses the state’s challenges without relying on unreliable revenue projections or additional tax burdens on its residents.

Thousands of Homeschool Families Attend Annual Lobby Day at Capitol

On March 6, legislators welcomed thousands of homeschool parents/guardians and students to the State Capitol for the Illinois Christian Home Educators (ICHE) annual Cherry Pie Day. This annual event provides parents and guardians who choose to homeschool their kids with a platform through which they can celebrate their successes and urge legislators not to interfere with their right to make autonomous decisions regarding their children’s educations.

This year the group is focusing on defeating an anti-homeschool bill, House Bill 2827. The bill, sponsored by a House Democrat, would undermine parental rights and impose unnecessary regulations on homeschooling families. It would create additional hurdles for families, such as excessive paperwork and truancy penalties for non-compliance with paperwork. The legislation includes the possibility of jail time for parents/guardians who do not complete the annual paperwork.

The bill has been scheduled for a hearing this week in Springfield, and I would encourage every individual who supports homeschooling and a parent’s right to make autonomous decisions regarding their children’s education to submit a witness slip in opposition to the bill.

The hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, March 12 at 8:00 AM in the House of Representatives. You have until then to file a witness slip in opposition of this legislation. 

You may follow this link to file your slip. All witness slips must be filed before the hearing and this will be your only opportunity to put your opinion on the official record while the bill is pending in the House, so I encourage you to make your voice be heard.

Click here to view a short video on how to submit a witness slip.

Craig Wilcox

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