With the start of the new year in Illinois, State Senator Craig Wilcox (R-McHenry) has launched his fourth annual “Valentines for Seniors” card drive. To brighten the days of seniors and make sure they know they are a valued part of the community, Senator Wilcox is asking students from public and private schools, church groups, scouting organizations and other groups to create homemade cards that will be delivered to assisted living centers, nursing homes, and long-term care facilities across the 32nd Senate District.

“Over the last three years, the response to this project has been phenomenal. Last year my office collected and distributed more than 4,000 cards,” said Wilcox. “The seniors were all smiles as my staff and I delivered large bags of cards. My goal this year is to collect even more cards.”
Cards, poems, and other well-wishes will be collected between now and February 7 at Senator Wilcox’s Woodstock office, located at 109 North Benton Street just off the Woodstock Square. Those dropping off cards in person can place them in the valentine mailbox inside of the office between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, or in a bag that will be on the outside door during the hours when the office is closed. Cards can also be mailed.
“Last year we were able to bring smiles to seniors at dozens of different assisted living centers and nursing homes,” added Wilcox. “My hope is that we get an even greater response this year. Let’s all do our part to bring some joy to seniors!”
In 2023, Senate Republicans collected and delivered more than 42,000 valentines through the statewide “Valentines for Seniors” program.