
Op Ed

Op Ed: Who will defend freedom?

Senator Craig Wilcox (R-McHenry), a 24-year veteran of the U.S. Airforce, recently penned an op ed on the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan: As a people


Capitol News from Senator Craig Wilcox

Wilcox End of Session Report lands in District 32 mailboxes My 2021 End of Session report landed in mailboxes across the 32nd District this week.


Senator Wilcox Issues End of Session Report

State Senator Craig Wilcox (R-McHenry) has distributed a 2021 End of Session Legislative Report. The report was recently mailed to residents throughout the 32nd Senate


Capitol News from Senator Craig Wilcox

Sen. Wilcox to host mobile DMV event in Johnsburg Lines at local driver’s services offices remain long throughout the region. On Thursday, Aug. 26, I


Capitol Report from Senator Craig Wilcox

Pritzker continues to rule unilaterally Since the Governor’s announcement on August 4 of new Pre-K-12 mask mandates and mandatory vaccines for some classifications of state


Capitol Report from Senator Craig Wilcox

Blistering IDES audit report details massive failures by Pritzker Administration A blistering report from the state’s Auditor General reveals major failures by the Pritzker Administration


Capitol Report from Senator Craig Wilcox

Schools regain some local control On July 9, 2021, the federal Centers for Disease Control (CDC) released its updated Guidance for COVID-19 Prevention in Kindergarten

Craig Wilcox